One question most medical practitioners and gym instructors hear is that “Can I lose weight without surgery?” The answer is yes. But it needs persistence, and you need to find the proper diet and ingredients to help you lose weight without surgery. One way to lose weight is an amino acid called L-Glutamine. It plays a significant role in your immune system. It serves as a building block for proteins necessary for your organs to work smoothly and keep the immune system safe from bacteria and viruses.

Our body makes glutamine, but supplementing glutamine is suggested for weight loss. Here are four reasons why L-Glutamine works for weight loss:
- It reduces calorie hungry bacteria in the gut: Firmicutes are the primary bacteria in your digestive tract. Firmicutes love sugar, so when Firmicutes are more in your body, it starts craving the sugar. To keep these sugar craving monsters at a distance, you can take L-Glutamine. It helps in controlling your sugar intake and helps in weight loss.
- It increases lean body tissue: L-Glutamine helps overweight people improve their lean body tissue, including tendons, ligaments and muscles. These are not fat-free; L-Glutamine can help people with unnecessary fat around their lead body tissue. As your cell volume and muscle hydration levels increase, you don’t feel fatigued for longer durations, and your hunger pangs are also reduced.
- It heals leaky gut: Leaky gut is a condition where you develop fissures and crack in your intestinal walls. These cracks act as an entry point for the bacteria to enter and allow many nutrients, including sugar, to slip through instead of being absorbed in the blood. It leads to the craving for sugar. L-Glutamine is known to be an essential constituent for healing leaky gut and stopping sugar cravings. Also, L-Glutamine has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation along the damaged intestinal walls. After the inflammation settles down, the healing starts at the cellular level, and L-Glutamine is critical for rebuilding the cells.
- It boosts blood serum levels of human growth hormone (HGH): The pituitary gland secretes HGH, and it is responsible for the growth spurt in kids. But it also has many other roles like regulating body composition, bone and muscle growth and sugar and fat metabolism. When you are overweight, the ability of the body to produce HGH is impaired, therefore, adding L-Glutamine to your diet can help in off-setting the impairment. In turn, this helps in losing weight.
To experience weight loss, it is best to start L-Glutamine under the expert guidance of a medical practitioner. They will suggest the correct dosage and type assist you in a healthier and happier lifestyle. Get in touch with the experts at Telemedicine Practitioners to schedule an appointment and discuss with them how L- Glutamine can help you lose weight without surgery. With their years of industry experience and knowledge, they have helped many people achieve their weight loss goals.