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Diet and Exercise for Weight LossObesity is now being called an epidemic in the health community. In fact, it will soon be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, even ahead of cigarette smoking. Obesity leads to type two diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke and even an increased risk

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Signs Of MenopauseMenopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing the hormones, estrogen, and progesterone and a woman no longer ovulates, which concludes her reproductive life. When a woman has stopped having periods for 12 consecutive months, she is said to be postmenopausal.What are some signs of menopause that you should look out for? Remember that

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Menopause Mayhem: What can happen during this time?Estrogen levels that are constantly higher than normal combined with low progesterone levels may lead to insulin resistance and an increased accumulation of body fat. Insulin is another hormone. It is released from the pancreas and allows sugar to be absorbed into the cells to be burned as

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Menopause and Weight GainWhen a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, the opposite thing can happen to her appetite. It can increase! Experts have said that a menopausal woman can increase their appetite up to 67%. That’s a big increase! In addition, menopause and the increase in appetite is usually coupled with a slower metabolism,

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8 Common Myths About MenopauseMany people believe that menopause always starts with hot flashes and weight gain. Is this true or is it a myth? While it’s true that menopause often results in hot flashes, one-fourth of all women experience no hot flashes as a result going through menopause.There are other myths about menopause that

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